AI in the service
of humanity

Just one step away from the future

Atomic Mouse is dedicated to all AI automation possibilities for companies.



What if you could have a tireless, skilled teammate, ready to build with you or complete tasks for you?

Bam !

Curious about automation?

You've come to the right place.

If AI scares you...

Or if, on the contrary, you're excited about AI...

It doesn't matter!

As "Atomic Mouse", we're here to help you offer personalized attention to ALL your customers, 24/7.

(You have just landed on this website)

The future of work is Here: Win the game with AI

The game has changed. Artificial intelligence is rapidly transforming industries, redefining the rules of the game. Imagine a world where powerful AI tools give you INEQUAL STRATEGIC ADVANTAGE. Our cutting-edge solutions let you harness the POWER of AI and stay ahead of the competition. Don't let your competitors get the upper hand - invest in the future today and unlock infinite potential for innovation and growth.

What's the last straw for a chatbot?
- Having to click on "I'm not a robot".

Effortless Automation in 3 Steps


Reveal Hidden Potential

We work with you to find automation opportunities for your business.


Ai on Autopilot

We train your AI & build seamless workflows - Let the magic happen!


Effortless Efficiency

We deploy, manage & optimize – you just thrive.

Future is now

Nurture Growth, Optimize to Win

As masters of Automation, we serve you the essential ingredients to fuel your success. Our secret recipe combines significant cost savings, optimized operations and enhanced customer engagement... all simmered to perfection for companies around the world.

Our AI solutions: A complete recipe to make your SUCCESS TASTY and...

- Generate a steady stream of exquisite leads

- Provide instant answers to FAQs

- Concoct personalized discounts

- Recommend products in line with demand

- Track orders

- Gather contact information with sensitivity

- Boost support agent performance

- Send images and videos

- Recover abandoned baskets with finesse

- Send timely notifications

- Engage users like winners

- Extract user feedback like precious nectar

- Share the best offers like exclusive treats

- Capture orders and track sales feverishly

-Orchestrate the transmission of user data between platforms

-Qualify prospects like a winning chess player

Enjoy the Future

1. Speed: Your chatbots respond in a fraction of a second. Even Superman can't go that fast.

2. Efficiency: Your chatbots don't need to eat or sleep, so they offer constant attention 24/7. Your teams can focus on what gives your business the most value (and enjoy a few more COFFEES while remaining efficient).

3. Interaction: Your chatbots increase visitor engagement (by up to 67%). A higher rate than emails or contact forms. Your chatbots can provide live help and advice. It's like having a game master always ready to guide visitors.

4. Superior UX: While some people prefer to talk to a human (or have questions that are too specific), 40% of visitors prefer to interact with a chatbot because the answer to their question is immediate (Source: Business Insider), 35% would like more companies to offer chatbots (Source: Opus Research). Treat your information-hungry customers to an express menu!

5. Versatility: Your chatbots interact on several messaging platforms at the same time. A visitor asks a question on your site, while another responds at the same time on your messaging platform? Don't worry, chatbots are virtuoso jugglers!

6. Diversity: Whether you sell houses, lingerie or gourmet food, there's a chatbot tailor-made for your field, or an automation that molds to your business needs. Like a unique perfume, created especially for your brand.

7. Cost: A chatbot is like having an entire team condensed into a single, high-performance agent. It handles repetitive tasks, leaving you free to focus on the more exciting aspects of your business.

Book your free discovery call

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Win before your competitors do

Forget the limits!

Today, over 60% of online business tasks can be automated.

It's time to enjoy the feast of opportunities that AI has to offer.

Let us be your digital chef. We'll concoct customized automation recipes as unique as your business. With us, no reheated dish, but a gourmet creation that spices up your business.

Imagine AI that learns and improves, becoming as indispensable as a trusted partner. Our cutting-edge solutions are like an aphrodisiac for your operations, boosting productivity and whetting your customers' appetites.

Get ready to play in the big league. Our AI services are your HIDDEN ASSETS, automating tedious tasks and propelling you ahead of the competition. In the chess game that is the business world, our AI will be your ALMIGHTY QUEEN.

1.Artificial Intelligence Consulting

Our AI consulting services help businesses of all sizes adopt and scale AI solutions. We work with you to understand your business goals and challenges, and then develop a customized AI strategy that meets your specific needs.

Book your free discovery call to see how we can help you. Click on the image below to go directly to our calendar:

aiconsulting, atomicmouse, chatbotai, aiservices, automation
aiconsulting, atomicmouse, chatbotai, aiservices, automation
2.AI ChatBots

Now you can chat directly with your users and customers, 24/7.

Chatbots are a powerful tool that can help businesses automate tasks, improve customer service to increase sales. Our chatbot development services can help you create a chatbot that is tailored to your specific needs.

Our services include:
- Chatbot strategy development
- Chatbot design and implementation
- Chatbot training and support
- Chatbot integration with other systems
- Chatbot analytics and reporting

We also offer a variety of pre-built chatbots that are customized to your needs.

Integration on your :
- website
- WhatsApp
- Instagram
- Facebook
And many more (please consult us).

Book your free discovery call to see how we can help you. Click on the image below to go directly to our calendar:

aichatbot,chatbotai, chatbotservice
aichatbot,chatbotai, chatbotservice
3.AI Personal Assistant

AI personal assistants are a new way to get things done. They help you with a variety of tasks, from scheduling appointments to finding information.

Our AI personal assistant services will help you to:
- Automate tasks: Save time and energy by automating tasks like scheduling appointments, sending emails, and managing your calendar.
- Get information: Get answers to your questions, find information, and get recommendations.
- Stay organized: Keep track of your to-do list, appointments, and important dates.
- Get help with tasks: Get help with tasks like booking travel, finding a restaurant, or making a purchase.
- Our AI personal assistants are powered by the latest AI technology. They are constantly learning and improving, so they can provide you with the best possible experience.

Book your free discovery call to see how we can help you. Click on the image below to go directly to our calendar:

aipersonalassistant, virtualagent, aivirtualagent, gpts
aipersonalassistant, virtualagent, aivirtualagent, gpts
4.Voice Bot for Ecommerce : Recovers Abandoned Checkouts

Reduce checkout abandonments and boost sales with our AI-powered voice bot service.

Our voice bot can automatically:
- Reach out to customers who have abandoned their checkout.
- Understand the reason for abandonment.
- Offer personalized discounts and promotions.
- Help customers complete their purchase.

Book your free discovery call to see how we can help you. Click on the image below to go directly to our calendar:

5.AI Voice Appointment Setter

Automate your appointment scheduling and boost customer satisfaction with our AI voice appointment service.

Our AI voice service can automatically:
- Manage customer requests for appointments.
- Check availability and schedule appointments.
- Send reminders and confirmations.
- Reschedule or cancel appointments as needed.

Book your free discovery call to see how we can help you. Click on the image below to go directly to our calendar:

6.AI Customer Support Phone

Revolutionize your customer support with our AI-powered phone service.
Our AI can automatically:

  • Understand customer requests and route them to the right department.

  • Answer frequently asked questions and provide basic troubleshooting support.

  • Escalate complex issues to human agents.

  • Collect customer feedback and sentiment data.

Our AI customer support phone service is proven to:

  • Reduce call wait times by up to 50%.

  • Improve customer satisfaction by up to 20%.

  • Increase the number of calls handled by up to 10%.

We offer a variety of features to customize your AI customer support phone service, including:

  • Multilingual support

  • 24/7 availibility

  • Real-time analytics

Book your free discovery call to see how we can help you. Click on the image below to go directly to our calendar:


Book your free discovery call

Click on the image below to go directly to our calendar: